Introducing Data Storefront: showcase all your data products on your own website

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Lucy Kelly

Marketing Manager

Introducing Data Storefront: showcase all your data products on your own website

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Introducing Data Storefront: Publish data products on your own website

We’re excited to announce a long-awaited feature is now live on Data Commerce Cloud: Data Storefront. Data Storefront empowers companies to publish rich, conversion-optimized data products on their own website to generate inbound data demand. It takes 60 seconds to create a Data Storefront and there’s no tech effort needed.

With a Data Storefront, data providers can showcase their entire data offering to website visitors easily. For marketing teams, Data Storefront solves the challenge of displaying the breadth of your data product catalog in detail without investing big amounts of time and engineering resources. Your Data Storefront is stocked with every Data Product you’ve created in Data Commerce Cloud (DCC). Each Data Product includes a data dictionary, description, geographic coverage, data categories, volume, and pricing. To help visitors browse your data catalog efficiently, they can filter Data Products by country and data category or do a text search. If a visitor is interested in a product, they’ll send a contact request which lands in your DCC Lead Inbox and is attributed to your Data Storefront as the lead source.

You can customize your Data Storefront to your brand by choosing its domain name, favicon, hero elements, and footer content. This way, it’s consistent with your main website’s branding for a smooth buyer journey when visitors navigate from your existing website to your Data Storefront. You can optimize Data Storefront for search engines by adjusting its meta title and description, and your Data Products are automatically discoverable in Google Dataset Search.

Martin, Product Lead at Datarade, walks you through the benefits of Data Storefront:

As Martin says, all this can be done in 60 seconds on DCC. Since launching the feature last week, over 30 data providers have created a Data Storefront and are already receiving data demand from it. Check out audience data provider BIGDBM’s Data Storefront to get a feel for how they look and work once published.

If you’re a data provider interested in Data Storefront, schedule a demo of the feature and the rest of Data Commerce Cloud. We’d be happy to show you how your team could benefit from our easy-to-use data monetization platform.

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